“For accessibility purposes, this Zoom workshop will be recorded and posted to our u.osu.edu website. Videos will be used for educational purposes only. If you do not consent to have your image recorded, we invite you to turn your camera off. The breakout rooms will NOT be recorded to protect participants’ privacy as we share in conversation.”
The Anti-Racist Working Group—a student-led initiative within the student organization DiGS inside of the Ohio State University Department of Dance—bears witness to and shares in the pain of racism directed at Black lives. We want to add our voices, bodies, and ideas to the national condemnation of the continued casual killings as we also turn inward, strengthening our commitment to anti-racist thought and action as a community.
#OSUDancers4BlackLives Features
Formed in 2019, the Anti-Racist Working Group is a community of accountability that interrogates how systemic racial oppression is institutionalized and internalized. The group is composed of students from the Department of Dance who seek to: first, examine their own role as institutional gatekeepers within an educational system that has historically subjugated marginalized populations; second, confront how structural racism shapes dance history, curricula, and pedagogy; and, third, cultivate conscious-raising spaces that build resilience through self- and collective-care. We bring embodied practices and lived experience into conversation with anti-racist thought and action to imagine new models for institutional change-making that challenge White patriarchal hegemony. The Anti-Racist Working Group operates through joint governance and programs based on the community’s needs.
The collective engages in mixed model programming, which has included educational workshops alongside small group dialogue spaces where participants gather around viewings, readings, and audio to discuss how the content translates to our experiences inside of dance classrooms within and beyond the University setting.
In addition to our ongoing educational workshop series, we invest our efforts in:
Celebrating Black students, alumni, professors, guest scholars, and artists connected to the OSU dance community through our social media solidarity platform #OSUDancers4BlackLives.
Creating and maintaining an ARWG website (u.osu.edu/arwg) that archives organizational materials and provides resource lists (books, audio, video, training, etc.) to support our learning.
Activating new ways of working, teaching, and learning that are informed by anti-racist theory and practices.
Establishing Affinity Groups where people come together in the community to learn around an identity commonality.
The Anti-Racist Working Group has developed numerous workshops that we are willing to offer to individual communities for a fee as a fundraiser to future DiGS Anti-racist programs. If you are interested in purchasing a workshop please email us at arwg.osudance@gmail.com and visit our website u.osu.edu/arwg.
If you would like to book us for a workshop please see our price scale:
Existing Workshops (As is no personalization) $500
2 hours
2-3 Facilitators
Optional Workshops
Racism in Dance
Racism 101
Racism 102
Facilitating Racial Conversations
Understanding and Interrupting Unconcious Bias
Artists and Advocacy
Anti-Racist Organizing for Dancers
Personalized Workshops (Made for your organization) $750
2 hours
2-3 facilitators
20% of the proceeds will go to Dancers inGraduate School (DiGS) for continued Anti-Racist programing.